"Come along inside... We'll see if tea and buns can make the world a better place."
Kenneth Grahame

Sunday, September 19, 2010

My Unclassy Entry

I feel like my entries so far imply two things:

1. I only eat classy food.

2. I only eat once a week.

Both are false.  Here is how most of my meals go.

STEP 1: I get an idea.

In this case, tacos.

STEP 2: I try to collect ingredients, and get distracted.

Today, I dug out my vegetarian ground beef and found some green beans, and decided I should eat green beans, because those are healthy, right?

So while the roommate cooked up the fakebeef...


...I made my beans.

Green beans become classier with American cheese.

That's when I remembered that tortillas are really just empty calories, and it would be way better to just mix the beef in with the beans and some salsa.

Thaaaaaat looks awesome.

Then I mixed it all together.

Oh god.  Even better.

Then, because it needed that special touch, I added some Gardettos snack mix.  Because that's way better than chex mix, and I'm obviously keeping it classy here.

Oh yeah.  That's the stuff.

And, of course, you can't have a meal like this without dessert.

Only the finest.

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