I haven't updated in a little while, but don't worry, I'm not dead. Also, sorry that my last post was super weird. It turns out that starting a pre-med track while keeping your old major and pretending you still have the other major can actually tire you out a bit.
I made another zucchini pie the other day, but I feel weird about it, because I got a stomach ache after I ate it and I'm paranoid that it was undercooked. I think it's more likely that I've been pushing the levels of my lactose intolerance. That might be too much information. The point of me telling you about the pie is that I still had that italian zucchini left from the farmer's market, so I wanted to make zucchini parmesan.
I made some over the summer, but it took forever. I've got my crock pot though, so I googled "zucchini parm slow cooker recipe." Nothing came up, so I tried eggplant. I ended up using
this one--
Problem 1: My zucchini didn't keep super well, probably because it's been two weeks. It was kind of mushy and when I sliced it there were these weird spots, so I cut them out.
Bleaugh. |
My tomato sauce was some homemade stuff I had frozen from the summer, made with tomatoes from my garden at home, so I knew that would be good. But--
Problem 2: I only had one zucchini, so my crock wasn't very full.
I loves me some cheese, though. |
Anyways, the recipe said to cook it for five hours on low. I put it in around noon, then went to class. When I got home a little after five...
That's depressing. |
Problem 3: ...it looked like this.
It actually wasn't all crunchy and terrible like it looks, and I don't really mind overcooked cheese. It just looked kind of nasty.
I heated up some noodles and had it over them. Honestly, it was pretty delicious.
Yum. |
Side note: it looks like meat sauce. That is because there are bread crumbs and some overcooked mozzarella in there. So if you're a vegetarian and you miss that meat-saucy kind of texture, this is a nice substitute.